Okay. So babbling isn’t exactly it’s own language but you CAN learn become fluent in “baby talk”! Babbling back and forth with your child encourages communication in WHATEVER language you speak to your baby. Think of it more like a proto-language. Before your child utters their first word, there are plenty of opportunities to practice language!.
👉 Sit face to face with your child and babble using early developing sounds (m, b, p, d, w, h). These sounds provide a great blend of auditory and visual input🤓
👉 After your child “responds” with their own babbling, respond with interest using eye contact and facial expression!
👉 “Interpret” your child’s babbling and assign meaning. By doing this you are affirming their interaction attempt while modeling a potential first word for later on down the road.
How do/did you babble with your baby? Did you ever feel embarrassed doing it? Let me know in the comments! 👇
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